G Major Scale

Up until now, every thing has been the C major scale. C major is an easy scale to work with because it is all white keys, all the time. I want you to play the C major scale and listen to how the notes sound in relation to one another. Now we are going to learn a new scale, and see that the relationship between the notes stays the same.

We are going to play the G major scale. Start by playing all white keys starting at G. G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G. That doesn't sound quite like the C major scale does it. The relationship between the notes is not the same. Play it again, when you get to the F, your ear should tell you that the note just doesn't relate to the scale the same way it did with C major. It needs to be just a bit higher. Try the same scale again, except replace the F with the F#. Now it sounds right.

Mozart was one of the finest composers of all time. He wrote his first concerto at age 3! His father used to wake him up by playing 7 notes of the major scale. If the boy didn't wake up, his father would keep playing those 7 notes. Eventually the lad would get up and play the eighth note. An unfinished scale can drive you crazy. The reason I'm telling you this is to make the point that training your ears to listen is just as important as training your hands to hit the keys.

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